
Endangered: The Struggles of the Indigenous Assyrians in their Homelands by Susek Evangelistic Association
Assyrian-European Fieldwork Delegation to Iraq
ISIS and the Assyrians: A Narrative Study of the Psychological Impacts of Intergenerational Trauma, Continuous Atrocity, and Collective Victimhood on the Assyrians by Elvin Envieh Golpashin
Post-conflict Reconstruction in the Nineveh Plains of Iraq by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
The Security Apparatus of Northern Iraq: One Thousand and One Kurdish Leaders and the Allure of the East by Andrés de Castro García
Caught In The Crossfire: Assyrians and The Turkey-PKK Conflict In Iraq by Assyrian Policy Institute
Turkish-Backed Militants Target Assyrian Towns in Syria by International Christian Concern
The Future of Security in Iraq's Nineveh Plain
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2020 Report
The Destruction of Assyrian Cultural Heritage in Syria by Assyrian Policy Institute
Turkish Human Rights Commission Report on Assyrian Nun, Villages
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2019 Report
Assyrian Genocide in Modern History by Assyrian Policy Institute
Recognition of the Simele Massacre of 1933
Assyrian Genocide in Modern History by Assyrian Policy Institute
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2018 Report
Iraq's Stolen Election: How Assyrian Representation Became Assyrian Repression by Assyrian Policy Institute
The Good Shepherd - A Report on Brutality Against Christian Clerics in Syria by Assyrian Monitor for Human Rights
Persecuted and Forgotten? A Report on Christians oppressed for their Faith 2015-17 by Aid to the Church in Need
Erasing Assyrians: Kurdish Abuses of Human Rights 2017 by Assyrian Confederation of Europe
Assyrians and Yazidis in Northern Iraq 2017 by Congressman Frank R. Wolf
Understanding Recent Movements of Christians from Syria and Iraq by Open Doors
Wilting In The Kurdish Sun: The Hopes And Fears Of Religious Minorities In Northern Iraq by USCIRF
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2017 Report
Assyrians Under Kurdish Rule: The Situation in Northeastern Syria by Assyrian Confederation of Europe
Untying the Knots of Religious Diversity in Iraqi Kurdistan by Centre for Religious Pluralism in the Middle East
The Protection Needs Of Minorities From Syria and Iraq by World Council of Churches
The ISIS Genocide of Middle Eastern Christian Minorities and Its Jizya Propaganda Ploy by Hudson Institute
Vulnerability and Empowerment of Women and Children in Armed Conflict: International Assyrian Women's Conference
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2016 Report
Impact and Significance of the Christian Presence in Syria and Iraq during the Current Crisis by Open Doors International
Genocide Against Christians in the Middle East by Knights of Columbus
State of the World's Minorities, 2015
ISIS Genocide in North Iraq by the National Holocaust Museum
Forced Displacement and Demolitions in Northern Syria by Amnesty International
The Syriac Property Issue In Tur Abdin by Susanne Gusten
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2015 Report
Between the Millstones: The State of Iraq's Minorities Since the Fall of Mosul by by IILHR, MRG, NPWJ and UNPO.
Edge of Extinction: The Eradication of Religious and Ethnic Minorities in Iraq by 21st Century Wilberforce Initiative
The Assyrians: a People without Rights by Tarek Shaded (also in Arabic)
The Minorities of Nineveh Plain and the Demand for a Safe Haven and International Protection by Mikhael Benjamin
U.S. State Department International Religious Freedom Report, 2014
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2014 Report
Facing Annihilation: Innocent Assyrian victims of an unfolding Genocide by Assyria Council of Europe
50 Thousand Assyrians: Report On The Flight From Al Hamdaniya by Assyrian Federation of Sweden
Report on Christians Oppressed for their Faith 2011-2013 by Aid to the Church in Need
Human Rights Report on Assyrians in Iraq, 2013 by Assyria Council of Europe, Assyria Foundation
Religious Minorities in Syria: Caught in the Middle by U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs
A Short Overview Of The Status Quo Of Christian Minorities In Egypt, Iraq, Turkey, Syria And Lebanon by M.K. Tozman
Mellanöstern Brinner (The Middle East Is On Fire) by Folkpartiet (Swedish Liberal Party)
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2013 Report
Between the Barbed Wire: Syrian Christian Refugees in Lebanon by Nuri Kino
Saving an Ancient Community: Christianity in Iraq by Jonathan Pride
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2012 Report
Human Rights Report on Assyrians in Iraq, 2011 by Assyria Council of Europe
The Last Generation? The Situation of Assyrians in Northern Iraq by Assyria Council of Europe et al
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2011 Report
Human Rights Report on Assyrians in Iraq, 2010 by Assyria Council of Europe
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2010 Report
Still Targeted: Continued Persecution of Iraq's Minorities by Minority Rights Group International
The Struggle To Exist: A Human Rights Report Concerning Assyrian Christians In Iraq by Assyria Council of Europe
Iraq's New Battlefront: The Struggle Over Ninewa by International Crisis Group
Iraq Civilians Under Fire by Amnesty International
Iraqi Refugees in U.S. and Michigan Face Problems by Georgetown University
Uncertain Refuge, Dangerous Return: Iraq's Uprooted Minorities by Chris Chapman and Preti Taneja
Preventing Conflict Over Kurdistan by Henri J. Barkey
The Kurds in Post-Saddam Iraq by Kenneth Katzman
Iraq And The Kurds: Trouble Along The Trigger Line by International Crises Group
Stability in Iraqi Kurdistan: Reality or Mirage? by The Brookings Institution
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2009 Report
On Vulnerable Ground: Violence Against Minority Communities in Nineveh Province's Disputed Territories by Human Rights Watch
Terror Reigns over Mosul's Christians by Christian Solidarity International
The Assyrian Question in an Emerging Iraqi Federalism by Paul Issac
Iraq's Minority Crisis And U.S. National Security: Protecting Minority Rights In Iraq by Iraq Sustainable Democracy Project
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2008 Iraq Report
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2008 Report
European Parliament Conference on Assyrians In Iraq by Esther de Lange and Assyria Council of Europe
The Imminent Problems Facing The Syriac Monastery Of St. Gabriel In Midyat, Turkey by Bishop Timotheos Samuel Aktas
Iraqis and Other Asylum Seekers and Migrants at the Greece/Turkey Entrance to the European Union by Human Rights Watch
No Equal Rights: Victims Of Injustice by Assyria Foundation of Netherlands
Incipient Genocide: The Ethnic Cleansing of the Assyrians of Iraq by AINA
Executive summary:
By God: Six Days in Amman -- The Plight Of The Iraqi Assyrian Christians in Jordan by Nuri Kino
Executive summary
Report in Swedish
2007 Iraq Field Mission by Christian Solidarity International
The Assyrians' Case for Autonomy
Iraq's Kirkuk Problem and Article 140: Defining Alternatives
Muslim Persecution Of Christians by Robert Spencer
Minority Religious Groups in Iraq by International Organization For Migration
Mandaean Human Rights Annual Report, 2008 by Mandaean Human Rights Group
The Historical Anatomy of Kirkuk, Iraq by Iraqi Turkmen Human Rights Research Foundation
Fact-Finding Mission To Iraq's Three Northern Governorates by Finnish Immigration Service
Failed Responsibility: Iraqi Refugees in Syria, Jordan and Lebanon by International Crisis Group
Iraqi Refugees in Syria by International Catholic Migration Commission
Iraq Displacement 2007 Year in Review by International Organization For Migration
The Ottoman Genocide of the Assyrians during World War I by Hannibal Travis
Uprooted and Unstable: Meeting Urgent Humanitarian Needs in Iraq by Refugees International
Learning from Past Mistakes: Assyrians and the Iraqi Elections 2008 by Ninos Warda
Inside Iraqi Politics by Bill Ardolino
Ignoring What Extremists Say About Jihad by Stephen Collins Coughlin
The Afghan-Bosnian Mujahideen Network in Europe by by Evan F. Kohlmann
The Indigenous Iraqi Assyrian Community Since the Fall of Saddam Hussein by Assyria Council of Europe
Sweden's 300 Million Dollar Iraqi Refugee Trafficking Business by Nuri Kino and Marie-Jeanette Löfgren
Iraqi Asylum Seekers in Jordan by International Catholic Migration Mission
Iraqi Refugees: A Lot Of Talk, Little Action by Refugees International
Iran's Proxy War Against America by Thomas Joscelyn, The Claremont Institute
Millions in Flight: the Iraqi Refugee Crisis by Amnesty International
Radicalization in the West: the Homegrown Threat by NYPD Intelligence Division
Security, Displacement And Iraq: A Deadly Combination by the Brookings-Bern Project On Internal Displacement
Iraq Religious Freedom Report 2007 by the U.S. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Iraqi Refugees In The Middle East by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
The Trip To Northern Iraq by Margareta Viklund, Swedish Committee for Assyrians
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2007 Report
UN Assistance Mission for Iraq Human Rights Report, 2007
The Kurdish Destabilization of Tel Afer, Iraq by Iraqi Turkmen Human Rights Research Foundation
Asyrians in Iraq by Vahram Petrosian
Assimilation, Exodus, Eradication: Iraq's Minority Communities Since 2003 by Minority Rights Group International
Iraq Study Group Report by the Baker Commission
Iraq Religious Freedom Report 2006 by the U.S. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
The First Kurdish Periodical In Iran by Dr. Eden NaBy
Turkey Religious Freedom Report 2006 by the U.S. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Obliterating Assyria and Assyrians: "Kurdistan's" Crime of Cultural Genocide by CARD
The Condition of Assyrians in Iraq: Testimony before the House Committee on International Relations by Rosie Malek-Yonan
Iraq And The Kurds: The Brewing Battle Over Kirkuk by International Crisis Group
Dialogue With a Saudi Muslim by American Thinker
An Assyrian Administrative Unit: Ending the Exodus of Iraq's Most Vulnerable by Iraq Sustainable Democracy Project
Iraq: Country Reports on Human Rights Practices by the U.S. State Department
Syria: Country Reports on Human Rights Practices by the U.S. State Department
Iraq International Religious Freedom Report, 2005 by the U.S. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Iraq Country Report, 2005 by Freedom House
Iraq: Insecurity And Lack Of Shelter Exacerbate Internal Displacement Crisis by Global IDP Project
Iraq's Yezidis: A Religious and Ethnic Minority Group Faces Repression and Assimilation by Christian Peacemaker Teams
A Face and a Name: Civilian Victims of Insurgent Groups in Iraq by Human Rights Watch
Iraq: U.S. Regime Change Efforts and Post-Saddam Governance by the Congressional Research Service
Iraq: Election, Governmant and Constitution by the Congressional Research Service
Iraq's New Security Forces: The Challenge of Sectarian and Ethnic Influences by the Congressional Research Service
The Yezidi Kurds and Assyrians of Georgia by the Center for Social and Political Studies, Sweden
An Assesssment of the Iraqi Community in Greece by the UNHCR
ChaldoAssyrian Churches in Iraq by the Assyrian Academic Society
ChaldoAssyrians of Iraq and the Iraqi Interim Constitution by the Assyrian Academic Society
Genocide In Iraq - the Anfal Campaign Against the Kurds by Human Rights Watch
The Fate Of Assyrian Villages Annexed To Dohuk by Majed Eshoo
Iraq: Allaying Turkey's Fears over Kurdish Ambitions by International Crisis Group
Reversing Ethnic Cleansing in Northern Iraq by Human Rights Watch
The ChaldoAssyrian Community in Today’s Iraq: Opportunities and Challenges by Human Rights Without Frontiers
Unites States Census Bureau Report on Chaldeans
Assyrian Human Rights Report
Amnesty International on Assyrians of Iraq
Amnesty International on Assyrians of Turkey
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