| Endangered: The Struggles of the Indigenous Assyrians in their Homelands by Susek Evangelistic Association |
 | Assyrian-European Fieldwork Delegation to Iraq |
 | ISIS and the Assyrians: A Narrative Study of the Psychological Impacts of Intergenerational Trauma, Continuous Atrocity, and Collective Victimhood on the Assyrians by Elvin Envieh Golpashin |
 | Post-conflict Reconstruction in the Nineveh Plains of Iraq by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute |
 | The Security Apparatus of Northern Iraq: One Thousand and One Kurdish Leaders and the Allure of the East by Andrés de Castro García |
 | Caught In The Crossfire: Assyrians and The Turkey-PKK Conflict In Iraq by Assyrian Policy Institute |
 | Turkish-Backed Militants Target Assyrian Towns in Syria by International Christian Concern |
 | The Future of Security in Iraq's Nineveh Plain |
 | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2020 Report |
 | The Destruction of Assyrian Cultural Heritage in Syria by Assyrian Policy Institute |
 | Turkish Human Rights Commission Report on Assyrian Nun, Villages |
 | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2019 Report |
 | Assyrian Genocide in Modern History by Assyrian Policy Institute |
 | Recognition of the Simele Massacre of 1933 |
 | Assyrian Genocide in Modern History by Assyrian Policy Institute |
 | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2018 Report |
 | Iraq's Stolen Election: How Assyrian Representation Became Assyrian Repression by Assyrian Policy Institute |
 | The Good Shepherd - A Report on Brutality Against Christian Clerics in Syria by Assyrian Monitor for Human Rights |
 | Persecuted and Forgotten? A Report on Christians oppressed for their Faith 2015-17 by Aid to the Church in Need |
 | Erasing Assyrians: Kurdish Abuses of Human Rights 2017 by Assyrian Confederation of Europe |
 | Assyrians and Yazidis in Northern Iraq 2017 by Congressman Frank R. Wolf |
 | Understanding Recent Movements of Christians from Syria and Iraq by Open Doors |
 | Wilting In The Kurdish Sun: The Hopes And Fears Of Religious Minorities In Northern Iraq by USCIRF |
 | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2017 Report |
 | Assyrians Under Kurdish Rule: The Situation in Northeastern Syria by Assyrian Confederation of Europe |
 | Untying the Knots of Religious Diversity in Iraqi Kurdistan by Centre for Religious Pluralism in the Middle East |
 | The Protection Needs Of Minorities From Syria and Iraq by World Council of Churches |
 | The ISIS Genocide of Middle Eastern Christian Minorities and Its Jizya Propaganda Ploy by Hudson Institute |
 | Vulnerability and Empowerment of Women and Children in Armed Conflict: International Assyrian Women's Conference |
 | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2016 Report |
 | Impact and Significance of the Christian Presence in Syria and Iraq during the Current Crisis by Open Doors International |
 | Genocide Against Christians in the Middle East by Knights of Columbus |
 | State of the World's Minorities, 2015 |
 | ISIS Genocide in North Iraq by the National Holocaust Museum |
 | Forced Displacement and Demolitions in Northern Syria by Amnesty International |
 | The Syriac Property Issue In Tur Abdin by Susanne Gusten |
 | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2015 Report |
 | Between the Millstones: The State of Iraq's Minorities Since the Fall of Mosul by by IILHR, MRG, NPWJ and UNPO. |
 | Edge of Extinction: The Eradication of Religious and Ethnic Minorities in Iraq by 21st Century Wilberforce Initiative |
 | The Assyrians: a People without Rights by Tarek Shaded (also in Arabic) |
 | The Minorities of Nineveh Plain and the Demand for a Safe Haven and International Protection by Mikhael Benjamin |
 | U.S. State Department International Religious Freedom Report, 2014 |
 | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2014 Report |
 | Facing Annihilation: Innocent Assyrian victims of an unfolding Genocide by Assyria Council of Europe |
 | 50 Thousand Assyrians: Report On The Flight From Al Hamdaniya by Assyrian Federation of Sweden |
 | Report on Christians Oppressed for their Faith 2011-2013 by Aid to the Church in Need |
 | Human Rights Report on Assyrians in Iraq, 2013 by Assyria Council of Europe, Assyria Foundation |
 | Religious Minorities in Syria: Caught in the Middle by U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs |
 | A Short Overview Of The Status Quo Of Christian Minorities In Egypt, Iraq, Turkey, Syria And Lebanon by M.K. Tozman |
 | Mellanöstern Brinner (The Middle East Is On Fire) by Folkpartiet (Swedish Liberal Party) |
 | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2013 Report |
 | Between the Barbed Wire: Syrian Christian Refugees in Lebanon by Nuri Kino |
 | Saving an Ancient Community: Christianity in Iraq by Jonathan Pride |
 | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2012 Report |
 | Human Rights Report on Assyrians in Iraq, 2011 by Assyria Council of Europe |
 | The Last Generation? The Situation of Assyrians in Northern Iraq by Assyria Council of Europe et al |
 | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2011 Report |
 | Human Rights Report on Assyrians in Iraq, 2010 by Assyria Council of Europe |
 | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2010 Report |
 | Still Targeted: Continued Persecution of Iraq's Minorities by Minority Rights Group International |
 | The Struggle To Exist: A Human Rights Report Concerning Assyrian Christians In Iraq by Assyria Council of Europe |
 | Iraq's New Battlefront: The Struggle Over Ninewa by International Crisis Group |
 | Iraq Civilians Under Fire by Amnesty International |
 | Iraqi Refugees in U.S. and Michigan Face Problems by Georgetown University |
 | Uncertain Refuge, Dangerous Return: Iraq's Uprooted Minorities by Chris Chapman and Preti Taneja |
 | Preventing Conflict Over Kurdistan by Henri J. Barkey |
 | The Kurds in Post-Saddam Iraq by Kenneth Katzman |
 | Iraq And The Kurds: Trouble Along The Trigger Line by International Crises Group |
 | Stability in Iraqi Kurdistan: Reality or Mirage? by The Brookings Institution |
 | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2009 Report |
 | On Vulnerable Ground: Violence Against Minority Communities in Nineveh Province's Disputed Territories by Human Rights Watch |
 | Terror Reigns over Mosul's Christians by Christian Solidarity International |
 | The Assyrian Question in an Emerging Iraqi Federalism by Paul Issac |
 | Iraq's Minority Crisis And U.S. National Security: Protecting Minority Rights In Iraq by Iraq Sustainable Democracy Project |
 | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2008 Iraq Report |
 | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2008 Report |
 | European Parliament Conference on Assyrians In Iraq by Esther de Lange and Assyria Council of Europe |
 | The Imminent Problems Facing The Syriac Monastery Of St. Gabriel In Midyat, Turkey by Bishop Timotheos Samuel Aktas |
 | Iraqis and Other Asylum Seekers and Migrants at the Greece/Turkey Entrance to the European Union by Human Rights Watch |
 | No Equal Rights: Victims Of Injustice by Assyria Foundation of Netherlands |
 | Incipient Genocide: The Ethnic Cleansing of the Assyrians of Iraq by AINA Executive summary:  |
 | By God: Six Days in Amman -- The Plight Of The Iraqi Assyrian Christians in Jordan by Nuri Kino Executive summary Report in Swedish |
 | 2007 Iraq Field Mission by Christian Solidarity International |
 | The Assyrians' Case for Autonomy |
 | Iraq's Kirkuk Problem and Article 140: Defining Alternatives |
 | Muslim Persecution Of Christians by Robert Spencer |
 | Minority Religious Groups in Iraq by International Organization For Migration |
 | Mandaean Human Rights Annual Report, 2008 by Mandaean Human Rights Group |
 | The Historical Anatomy of Kirkuk, Iraq by Iraqi Turkmen Human Rights Research Foundation |
 | Fact-Finding Mission To Iraq's Three Northern Governorates by Finnish Immigration Service |
 | Failed Responsibility: Iraqi Refugees in Syria, Jordan and Lebanon by International Crisis Group |
 | Iraqi Refugees in Syria by International Catholic Migration Commission |
 | Iraq Displacement 2007 Year in Review by International Organization For Migration |
 | The Ottoman Genocide of the Assyrians during World War I by Hannibal Travis |
 | Uprooted and Unstable: Meeting Urgent Humanitarian Needs in Iraq by Refugees International |
 | Learning from Past Mistakes: Assyrians and the Iraqi Elections 2008 by Ninos Warda |
 | Inside Iraqi Politics by Bill Ardolino |
 | Ignoring What Extremists Say About Jihad by Stephen Collins Coughlin |
 | The Afghan-Bosnian Mujahideen Network in Europe by by Evan F. Kohlmann |
 | The Indigenous Iraqi Assyrian Community Since the Fall of Saddam Hussein by Assyria Council of Europe |
 | Sweden's 300 Million Dollar Iraqi Refugee Trafficking Business by Nuri Kino and Marie-Jeanette Löfgren |
 | Iraqi Asylum Seekers in Jordan by International Catholic Migration Mission |
 | Iraqi Refugees: A Lot Of Talk, Little Action by Refugees International |
 | Iran's Proxy War Against America by Thomas Joscelyn, The Claremont Institute |
 | Millions in Flight: the Iraqi Refugee Crisis by Amnesty International |
 | Radicalization in the West: the Homegrown Threat by NYPD Intelligence Division |
 | Security, Displacement And Iraq: A Deadly Combination by the Brookings-Bern Project On Internal Displacement |
 | Iraq Religious Freedom Report 2007 by the U.S. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor |
 | Iraqi Refugees In The Middle East by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops |
 | The Trip To Northern Iraq by Margareta Viklund, Swedish Committee for Assyrians  |
 | United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, 2007 Report |
 | UN Assistance Mission for Iraq Human Rights Report, 2007 |
 | The Kurdish Destabilization of Tel Afer, Iraq by Iraqi Turkmen Human Rights Research Foundation |
 | Asyrians in Iraq by Vahram Petrosian |
 | Assimilation, Exodus, Eradication: Iraq's Minority Communities Since 2003 by Minority Rights Group International |
 | Iraq Study Group Report by the Baker Commission |
 | Iraq Religious Freedom Report 2006 by the U.S. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor |
 | The First Kurdish Periodical In Iran by Dr. Eden NaBy |
 | Turkey Religious Freedom Report 2006 by the U.S. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor |
 | Obliterating Assyria and Assyrians: "Kurdistan's" Crime of Cultural Genocide by CARD |
 | The Condition of Assyrians in Iraq: Testimony before the House Committee on International Relations by Rosie Malek-Yonan |
 | Iraq And The Kurds: The Brewing Battle Over Kirkuk by International Crisis Group |
 | Dialogue With a Saudi Muslim by American Thinker |
 | An Assyrian Administrative Unit: Ending the Exodus of Iraq's Most Vulnerable by Iraq Sustainable Democracy Project |
 | Iraq: Country Reports on Human Rights Practices by the U.S. State Department |
 | Syria: Country Reports on Human Rights Practices by the U.S. State Department |
 | Iraq International Religious Freedom Report, 2005 by the U.S. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor |
 | Iraq Country Report, 2005 by Freedom House |
 | Iraq: Insecurity And Lack Of Shelter Exacerbate Internal Displacement Crisis by Global IDP Project |
 | Iraq's Yezidis: A Religious and Ethnic Minority Group Faces Repression and Assimilation by Christian Peacemaker Teams |
 | A Face and a Name: Civilian Victims of Insurgent Groups in Iraq by Human Rights Watch |
 | Iraq: U.S. Regime Change Efforts and Post-Saddam Governance by the Congressional Research Service |
 | Iraq: Election, Governmant and Constitution by the Congressional Research Service |
 | Iraq's New Security Forces: The Challenge of Sectarian and Ethnic Influences by the Congressional Research Service |
 | The Yezidi Kurds and Assyrians of Georgia by the Center for Social and Political Studies, Sweden |
 | An Assesssment of the Iraqi Community in Greece by the UNHCR |
 | ChaldoAssyrian Churches in Iraq by the Assyrian Academic Society |
 | ChaldoAssyrians of Iraq and the Iraqi Interim Constitution by the Assyrian Academic Society |
 | Genocide In Iraq - the Anfal Campaign Against the Kurds by Human Rights Watch |
 | The Fate Of Assyrian Villages Annexed To Dohuk by Majed Eshoo |
 | Iraq: Allaying Turkey's Fears over Kurdish Ambitions by International Crisis Group |
 | Reversing Ethnic Cleansing in Northern Iraq by Human Rights Watch |
 | The ChaldoAssyrian Community in Today’s Iraq: Opportunities and Challenges by Human Rights Without Frontiers |
 | Unites States Census Bureau Report on Chaldeans |
 | Assyrian Human Rights Report |
 | Amnesty International on Assyrians of Iraq |
 | Amnesty International on Assyrians of Turkey |