Armenian Church Commemorates St Abgar

The Armenian Apostolic Church on Saturday commemorates St Apkar (Abgar), a martyr of the church and our first Christian King. According to Armenian tradition, St Abgar was the first Christian king of the 1st century, the son of the Parthian king Arshakunie Arsham. He was also called "senior man" as he was the wisest of all and a genius.

Restoring At-Risk Assyrian Cultural Heritage

At the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud in northern Iraq, a temple razed by fire around 612 BCE, has remarkably preserved shrines that were recovered by the Penn Museum and Iraqi archaeologists on a site excavation this year as part of the Penn Nimrud Project, one of several cultural heritage preservation and protection initiatives of Penn's Iraq Heritage Stabilization Program (IHSP).

The Implications of Trump's Selection of Alina Habba

President-elect Donald Trump has announced his selection of attorney Alina Habba as his new counselor in the upcoming administration. Her appointment has garnered significant attention due to her Iraqi heritage.

Assyrian MP Addresses Syrian Conflict in the Turkish Parliament

By Abdulmesih BarAbraham

Ankara (AINA) -- On the last Turkish Parlamentary session of the yearthe Assyrian MP George Aslan spoke on behalf of the Democracy Party (formerly Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party), and addressed in a passionate speech the actual developments in Syria while shedding light on the situation of the Christian polpulation in the Middle East in general.

Syrian Church Leaders Will Meet Interim Government

By Rebecca Paveley

Church leaders will continue to meet members of the new interim Syrian government, the Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East has said. Its intention is to secure "societal peace for all components of the Syrian people in all regions" and cooperate "with those in charge of the administration of the country for the good of the country and its people".

Nineveh Governor and Cardinal Sako Advocate for Rapid Return of Mosul's Assyrian Community

On Wednesday, Nineveh Governor Abdul Qadir Al-Dakhil and Cardinal Louis Sako, Patriarch of the Chaldean Catholic Church in Iraq and worldwide, underscored the importance of ensuring the swift return of Christians to Mosul. Following his meeting with Cardinal Sako, Governor Al-Dakhil told Shafaq News Agency, "Christians are the original inhabitants of Mosul, and their presence is vital.

Assyrian Syrian Opposition Leader Voices 'Confidence'

By John Burger

One of the many Syrians celebrating the fall of the regime of former president Bashar al-Assad is the head of the Assyrian Democratic Organization, Gabriel Moushe Gawrieh. At the same time, Gawrieh, who lives in the northeastern city of Qamishli, is keeping an eye on the rebel group that led the final offensive against Assad and forced the dictator to flee to Moscow earlier this month.

Assyrian Leader in Lebanon Urges US, Allies to Intervene to Stop Hezbollah

By Caitlin McFall

The head of a political party and a Christian coalition group in Lebanon is calling on the U.S. and its Western allies to step in and deploy deterrent forces to permanently dismantle Hezbollah. In an interview with Fox News Digital, Ibrahim Mrad, president of the Universal Syriac Union Party and secretary general of the Lebanese Christian Front, said now is the time for the U.S., the U.K.

The First Christmas of Syrian Christians Without Al-Assad

By Ferran Barber

"We were busy all Thursday discussing the situation in Syria and, at the end of the meeting, we issued a written statement about what is happening in the country," Archbishop Joseph Bali explained to El Español on Friday morning, who is also responsible jacobitafor the media and the secretary of the Siro-Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, Mor Ignario Efrén II, head of a self-cephaly church once known...

Christianity in China: A "Foreign" Religion?

By Aurelio Porfiri

When delving into the study of Christianity in China, one is struck by a particular attitude among Chinese scholars, especially those from mainland China, who often describe Christianity as a "foreign religion." Technically, it is true that Christianity did not originate in China, but the same could be said for Italy or France.


Armenian Church Commemorates St Abgar
Restoring At-Risk Assyrian Cultural Heritage
The Implications of Trump's Selection of Alina Habba
Assyrian MP Addresses Syrian Conflict in the Turkish Parliament
Syrian Church Leaders Will Meet Interim Government
Assyrian-Australian Man Prepares For Another Few Years Of Correcting People
Nineveh Governor and Cardinal Sako Advocate for Rapid Return of Mosul's Assyrian Community
Assyrian Syrian Opposition Leader Voices 'Confidence'
Chaldean Patriarchate in Iraq Declares Independence From Council of Christian Sects
Assyrian Leader in Lebanon Urges US, Allies to Intervene to Stop Hezbollah


•  Assyrian-European Fieldwork Delegation to Iraq
•  ISIS and the Assyrians: Intergenerational Trauma
•  Post-conflict Reconstruction in the Nineveh Plains of Iraq
•  Assyrians and The Turkey-PKK Conflict In Iraq
•  Turkish-Backed Militants Target Assyrian Towns in Syria
•  The Future of Security in Iraq's Nineveh Plain
•  The Destruction of Assyrian Cultural Heritage in Syria
•  Turkish Human Rights Commission Report on Assyrian Nun, Villages
•  Assyrian Genocide in Modern History
•  Recognition of the Simele Massacre of 1933
•  The Systematic Repression of Assyrians
•  Iraq’s Stolen Election: How Assyrian Representation Became Assyrian Repression
•  Brutality Against Christian Clerics in Syria
•  Report on Christians oppressed for their Faith 2015–17


•  Hydraulics of Neo-Assyrian Canal Systems
•  Paternal lineages of the Northern Iraqi Arabs, Kurds, Syriacs, Turkmens and Yazidis
•  The Assyrian Genocide As A Part Of The Christian Genocide In The Ottoman Empire
•  Demographic and Climatic Factors in the Decline of the Neo-Assyrian Empire
•  The U.S. Legal Regime Governing Iraqi Refugee Resettlement
•  Theater, Language and Inter-Ethnic Exchange: Assyrian Performance Before WWI
•  Assyrians In Iraq
•  Description and Significance of the Nestorian Stele in China
•  The Cross and the Lotus

All Things Assyrian

Armenian Church Commemorates St Abgar
Assyrian-Australian Man Prepares For Another Few Years Of Correcting People
Christianity in China: A "Foreign" Religion?
Love is Stored in the Mesopotamian Liver
DNA Study Disproves Assyrian Origin of Armenians Theory
Ancient Tablet May Reveal Location of Noah's Ark
Ancient Assyrian Tablet Reveals Biodiversity
Cylinder Seals: Symbols of Ancient Power
Reading As Divine Encounter
Perfume: From Assyria to Rome

Brief History of Assyrians Assyrians in History Assyrians: Frequently Asked Questions The Assyrian Genocide The 1933 Simmele Massacre Attacks on Assyrians in Syria Timeline of ISIS in Iraq Incipient Genocide: The Ethnic Cleansing of the Assyrians of Iraq Assyrian Holocausts

Assyrian MP Addresses Syrian Conflict in the Turkish Parliament

By Abdulmesih BarAbraham

Ankara (AINA) -- On the last Turkish Parlamentary session of the yearthe Assyrian MP George Aslan spoke on behalf of the Democracy Party (formerly Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party), and addressed in a passionate speech the actual developments in Syria while shedding light on the situation of the Christian polpulation in the Middle East in general.

In Syria, Islamists Shutdown Christmas Celebrations, Churches Under Attack

(AINA) -- Reports posted on X/Twitter by Christians in Syria paint a bleak picture for Christians. The Christian Emergency Alliance posted the following: Syria: Today, churches in Syria were instructed not to hold Christmas celebrations, parades, or even display Saint Nicholas. The situation for Syria's Christians is deteriorating rapidly.


Assyrian MP Addresses Syrian Conflict in the Turkish Parliament
In Syria, Islamists Shutdown Christmas Celebrations, Churches Under Attack
Assyrian Organizations Must Support Assyrian Artists
Children's Book on the Assyrian Genocide Published
Arizona Department of Education Approves Assyrian Genocide Curriculum
'Mother Assyria' Monument Erected in Chicago
Assyrians Commemorate Martyrs Day Worldwide
Assyrian MP Addresses Security and Property Issues in Turkish Parliament
On the Assyro-Chaldean Genocide Recognition By the French National Assembly
French Senate Recognizes Assyrian Genocide
Assyrian Bishop Stabbed While Live Streaming
Iran is Hijacking Assyrian Politics in Iraq
Genocide Awareness Week Will Discuss Assyrian Genocides
New Online Assyrian Dictionary Launched
Film Explores Assyrian Diaspora in Chicago

Assyrian Organizations Must Support Assyrian Artists

(AINA) -- The Assyrian Arts Institute (AAI) is an organization founded by Nora Betyousef Lacey in 2017 and claims to support Assyrian arts. AAI has sponsored a few events since its founding, including an Assyrian women's choir.


Assyrian Organizations Must Support Assyrian Artists
Feud Between Chaldean Patriarch and Iraq's President Reinforces Islamic Status of Minority Groups
Assyrian Churches: Unity in Faith
Obstacles in the Unification of Assyrian Churches
The First Assyrian Workers From Turkey in Germany
US Attorneys May Have Violated Constitutional Rights, Immigration Law in Prosecuting Assyrian Lawyer
Conference Expropriates Assyrian Christian History, Denies Assyrian Identity
The Unethical Prosecution of an Assyrian Attorney
German Recognition of Armenian, Assyrian Genocide: History and Politics
Senator McCain Sends Letter on Assyrians to Kurdish President

Iran is Hijacking Assyrian Politics in Iraq

By Gregory Kruczek

(AINA) -- On February 21, the Federal Supreme Court of Iraq ruled on a set of cases pertaining to the Kurdistan Regional Government's (KRG) electoral law. The Court declared that the 11 parliamentary reserved seats for minorities were unconstitutional. So too was the KRG's single electoral district model.

Turkey's National Pride is Based on Genocide Denial

By Sabri Atman

During the years of World War I 75% (750,000) of the Assyrian population in the Ottoman Empire was systematically murdered. That genocide of Assyrians at the hands of the Ottoman Empire in 1915 is a fact, but it has largely been forgotten by the world.

Opinion Editorials

Iran is Hijacking Assyrian Politics in Iraq
Turkey's National Pride is Based on Genocide Denial
Turkey's Violation of Human Rights Must Be Challenged
EU Conference on Nineveh Plains Favors Kurds, Marginalizes Assyrians
Trump's Immigration Order and Christianity
The Winds of Change Are Blowing in Europe
Erdoğan's Gambit for Mosul
The Genocide of Assyrians and Yazidis and the Next American President
Is Obama Fast-tracking Mosul Offensive to Save His Legacy?
Why France? It's in the Math

Armenian Church Commemorates St Abgar

The Armenian Apostolic Church on Saturday commemorates St Apkar (Abgar), a martyr of the church and our first Christian King. According to Armenian tradition, St Abgar was the first Christian king of the 1st century, the son of the Parthian king Arshakunie Arsham. He was also called "senior man" as he was the wisest of all and a genius.

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