Video of Assyrian Nuns At Hockey Game Goes Viral
(AINA) -- A video of Assyrian nuns at a hockey game in Detroit has gone viral. Detroit is home to nearly 100,000 Assyrians, most of whom are Roman Catholic (Chaldeans). ...
(AINA) -- A video of Assyrian nuns at a hockey game in Detroit has gone viral. Detroit is home to nearly 100,000 Assyrians, most of whom are Roman Catholic (Chaldeans). ...
(AINA) -- The Syriac-Assyrian component, an integral part of the Syrian people, has participated in all activities of the revolution since its inception, both locally and abroad. This participation has been carried out through their political and civic organizations, in pursuit of freedom and dignity.
(AINA) -- Dr. Hanna Bit Murad, who currently lives in Georgia, was born in Moscow in 1972. She is the author of books in Russian and Breton, and professional translator. She has a PhD in Comparative Linguistics. Her great-grandfather, Ruvel Bit Murad (1860-1941), was from Salamas (Iran). He owned vineyards and was a wealthy businessman in Iran.
(AINA) -- In September-October of 1912, Russian Imperial Vice Consul at Van and orientalist Sergei Petrovich Olferiev (1875-1942) traveled through the mountains of Hakkari and the lands of the tribal Assyrians in southeast Turkey.
(AINA) -- The Assyrian Human Rights Observatory, based in Sweden, has issued a statement regarding the amendments to Syria's education curriculum proposed by the new government. The amendments would inject Islamic beliefs and principles into the curriculum, single out Christians and Jews and remove material which predates Islam.
(AINA) -- 'Syria is free'; thus screamed the Syrians as they celebrated the tumbling down of the criminal regime during a whole week. Thousands, even millions, of Syrians strolled the streets of the entire major cities of Syria. They were from all societal segments, strata, trends, genders, religious beliefs and non-religious ones, convictions, sects, confessions, parties, and orientations.