By Jonathan Kay
If you're a fan of ancient history, I heartily recommend the Lost Civilizations series published by the University of Chicago Press through its Reaktion Books imprint, which I first encountered via Frances F. Berdan's outstanding 2021 volume on the Aztecs. The latest entry is The Assyrians, by British Museum Mesopotamia expert Paul Collins (who also wrote the Sumerian entry back in 2021).
By Jason Dookeran
This 3,000-year-old artifact has turned the world of archaeological understanding on its head - or at least, that's what social media would have us believe. Housed in the British Museum's Northwest Palace collection, an intriguing Assyrian relief has sparked intense debate about ancient underwater capabilities that would make modern diving pioneers question everything they thought they knew about...
By Saeb Rawashdeh
Amman -- Petra's architecture had been under the strong Greco-Roman influence, but other styles were also seen, originating from Assyria. In 1862, the architect Jakob Ignaz Hittorffdrew similarity between Petra's monument and a fresco belonging to the Second Style visible in the House of the Labyrinth in Pompeii, where a tholos with a bell-shaped roof appears between two half pediments.
Qatar -- As part of Mowasalat (Karwa)'s commitment to environmental sustainability and the enhancement of green spaces, the company, in collaboration with the Ministry of Municipality, on Wednesday organised a tree-planting event at the Mesaimeer bus depot.
It's March 27 669BC, and night has fallen over Nineveh, the Assyrian capital. On the temple roof, Balasi, chief astrologer to king Esarhaddon, is scanning the sky. An adviser has told the king that Venus is visible, which in Assyrian cosmology is a good thing, portending good rain, rich harvests and peace.
By Noelle Worley
In November, senior communication major Giselle George and sophomore international relations major Adam Mikhail launched the long-awaited Middle East and North African Student Association (MENA) called Sawa, which means "together" in Arabic.