Brief History of Assyrians
The Fuidity of Empire: Hydraulics of Neo-Assyrian Canal Systems in Relation to Their Possible Uses
Bar Ebroyo on Identity: Remarks on His Historical Writing
Personality and Terminology: the Nestorian Controversy
Ethnic conflict and state-building in the Arab world
Reunification of the Chalcedonian Schism
Nestorian Christianity in Central Asia
Nineveh Sails For the New World: Assyria Envisioned by Nineteenth-Century America
Religion and Diaspora
Role of the Nestorians as the Connecting Link Between Greek and Arabic Medicine
Expansion of Nestorian Christianity in Asia
Paternal lineages of the Northern Iraqi Arabs, Kurds, Syriacs, Turkmens and Yazidis
The Assyrian Genocide As A Part Of The Christian Genocide In The Ottoman Empire
Demographic and Climatic Factors in the Decline of the Neo-Assyrian Empire
The Assyrian Identity of Turabdin
Out Of Iraq: The U.S. Legal Regime Governing Iraqi Refugee Resettlement
Theater, Language and Inter-Ethnic Exchange: Assyrian Performance Before WWI
Assyrians In Iraq
Pleiades Perceived: Mul.Mul to Subaru
The Cross and the Lotus
Description and Significance of the Nestorian Stele in China
Honey and Vinegar: Attitudes toward Iran's Assyrian Christians
Autonomy and the Assyrians of Iraq
Remarks On The Historical Background Of The Modern Assyrian Language
The Assyrian Church and the Christians of St. Thomas in India
Assyrian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey and Adjacent Turkish Territories
Saving Souls/Saving Languages: Writing Vernacular Aramaic
Socotra: The Mysterious Island of the Assyrian Church of the East
Ishtar: Documenting The Crisis In The Assyrian Iranian Community
Akitu: the Assyrian basis of the Kurdish New Year
Britain, Iraq and the Assyrians: The Nine Demands
Lies in Turkish: a Response to Turkish Genocide Denial
From Lingua Franca to Endangered Language: The Legal Aspects of the Preservation of Aramaic in Iraq
Ethnic Conflict and State Building in the Arab World
Perspectives on Assyrian Nationalism
The Assyrian Liberation Movement And the French Intervention (1919 ? 1922)
The League of Nations and the Quest for an Assyrian Homeland
Contested Nations: Iraq and the Assyrians
The Measure of a Man: The Life of William Ambrose Shedd, Missionary to Persia
Dawn At Tell Tamir: The Assyrian Christian Survival On The Khabur River
The Achaemenid Period in Northern Iraq
Iraqi forced migrants in Jordan: Conditions, religious networks, and the smuggling process
The ChaldoAssyrian Cause in Iraq: Implications for Maronites
Assyrian Identity in Ancient Times and Today [Courtesy of]
Assyrians after Assyria
Monotheism in Ancient Assyria
Akkadian Words in Modern Assyrian
The Assyrians
Timeline of Assyrian History
What do the Assyrian people want?
Assyria Revised
The Assyrians of Chicago
How Greek Science Passed to the Arabs
The Mesopotamian Schools of Edessa and Jundi-Shapur: The Roots of Modern Medical Schools
Hunayn ibn-Ishaq: A Forgotten Legend
From Warriors to Guardians: The Assyrians and Their Role in the History of Medicine
Marginalisation Of Ethnic And Religious Minorities In Middle East History Of Medicine: The Forgotten Contributions To Arabian And Islamic Medicine And Science
Islam, the Greeks and the Scientific Revolution
The Kurdish Settlement in Assyria
What Happened to the Turkish Assyrians?
Factors for Cooperation and Conflict in "Southern Kurdistan"
The Terms "Assyria" And "Syria" Again
Assyria and Syria: Synonyms
The Fate of the Assyrians: Perspectives of Development
The Assyrian Historiography and Linguistics
Genetic Differentiation among Iranian Christian Communities
Pagan Traces in Syriac Christian Onomastica
Thirty Assyrian Folkdances
Assyrian Rituals of Life-Cycle Events
Thou Shall Not Tread on History
Assyrian Nationalism: a Mechanism for Survival
The Invitation of His Holiness Mar Binyamin
Asirija i Asirci (in Croatian)
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