The 22 Assyrians who were released, 14 of them women, were from the villages of Tal Shamiram and Tal Jazira. The number of Assyrians still being held is now 205.
Related: Attacks on Assyrians in Syria By ISIS and Other Muslim Groups
ISIS released Assyrians on the following dates:
- August 11: 22 released
- June 16: Francois Sawa released
- May 26: two elderly women released, Ramziyya Rehana (80) from Tel Jazira and Yoniyya Kanoon (70) from Tel Shamiran
- March 3: Two Assyrians from Tel Shamiram were released, Yatroun Marko and his wife Wardiyya Yonan. Two Assyrians from Tel Goran were released, 6 year-old Mariana Mirza and her father's aunt, Bobo Mirza.
- March 1: 19 Assyrians Released, all from the village of Tel Goran
Negotiations to release the captives have been ongoing between the Assyrian Church of the East and ISIS, who have demanded $100,000 for each hostage. According to observers, negotiations are ongoing for the release of the remaining hostages.
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