The two released women, both elderly, were Ramziyya Rehana (80) from Tel Jazira and Yoniyya Kanoon (70) from Tel Shamiran. They were both taken to hospital in Hasaka. Mrs. Rehana had a broken hip, Ms. Kanoon had no ailments.
With the release of these two Assyrians, the number of Assyrians still being held by ISIS now stands at 228. ISIS released 19 Assyrians on March 1st and 4 more on March 3rd -- all from the village of Tel Goran.
See attacks on Assyrians in Syria for more information.
The situation in Khabour
All the Assyrian villages on the Khabur river have been liberated. The forces responsible for this were mainly the Syrian army, aided by Kurdish YPG and Assyrian militias.
Assyrians have started to return to Tel Tamer but not to the other villages since they have been destroyed. About 30 families have returned to Tel Tamer so far.
Ashur Giwargis contributed reporting from Beirut.
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