(AINA) -- The systematic confiscation of Assyrian lands in Northern Iraq by the Kurds is on going. In many instances, the confiscations are organized and carried out by the local ruling governmental bodies. In other instances, the local government acquiesces without any effort to seek out justice. Never has a Kurd been forced by a local government in Northern Iraq to return his illegally expropriated land. Under the current system of justice, the only recourse an Assyrian has is to take the law into his own hands. However, in the past, this has proven to be an unwise course of action.
The Assyrians remain terrorized. The perpetual land grabs serve to rob the Assyrians of their livelihood while simultaneously driving them out of their historic lands. Threats, persecutions, and terror are the means employed by governmental and rogue Kurdish elements.
The following is a short list of 52 Assyrian villages that have had their land confiscated. The quantity of land is described in donums which represents 2500 square meters per donum. Not all expropriated lands are accounted for in this list.
In the Semil district: in Deirboon, the agricultural department of the Dohuk government expropriated 170 donums of land for Kurdish use for the past four years. In Pakhlouja 1530 donums of agricultural land have been confiscated by Kurds from Zakho for over four years. In Suriya, the sons of a Kurd known as Sheikh Karo for over four years have confiscated 530 donums of agricultural land. In Towsana, 735 donums of tillable land have been confiscated for over four years. In Mshara, 250 donums of land have been confiscated for over three years. In Bajidbraf, 190 donums of land were seized and had houses and barns built upon them for over three years. In Bravook,125 donums of grazing pasture land have been confiscated by local Kurds. In Mansouria, 560 donums of land have been confiscated for over four years. In Fesh Khabour, a vast area of houses and land (larger than any other area of confiscation, but that cannot be quantified) has been expropriated. In the Armenian village of Howrisk, 7000 donums of land have been confiscated by the Al Hajan Kurdish tribe.
In the Zakho district: in Khalakh, the agricultural department has expropriated 850 donums of land. In Mela Arab, 45 donums of land have been confiscated. In Azakh,12 donums of orchards and vineyards have been expropriated for over four years. In Kourigavana,115 donums of land have been expropriated for over two years. In Bar roushkisava,35 donums of land have been expropriated for over three years.
In the village of Gindakosa, Assyrians attempted to drill wells as part of a foreign aid and development project sponsored by the American Organization of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA). In order to help deprive the Assyrians of a livelihood the local Kurds vigorously opposed this proj ect. The neighboring Kurdish village of Tkmala opposed and threatened the Assyrians. The local rul ing Kurd of Tkmala extorted 20,000 dinars to ensure the go-ahead of the project. The money was paid to Lieutenant Abdulla Spindari, but he continued to oppose the project. In the end, the Governor of Dohuk, Abdel Aziz Tiab approved the project, but Lieutenant Spindari blocked its implementation. To make matters worse, 20 donums of land were taken from the Assyrians and fruit trees were planted on the expropriated land.
In the Barwaribala Zakho district: in Kanibalaf, 35 donums of land have been expropriated for over four years. In Mousakir, the Kurds blocked another water development project. In Balouka, the Kurds seized houses and land. In Gara, the Kurds seized houses and land. In Malikhta, the Kurds seized land. Likewise, in Chakalla Ulya, Chakalla Sulfa, Beit Tanouri, Tashish and Chelki Nasara unknown amounts of land have been expropriated from the Assyrians. In Jdeede, 47 houses were built on land confiscated from the Assyrians by Kurds. In Hisa, 30 donums of land were taken and developed into houses and orchards. In Marga Jeea, Ikmala Kurds expropriated vineyards and 25 donums of land. In Jameeke 8 donums of orchards were taken and houses were built by the Bapire Kurds.
In the Sarsing Amadea district. in Enishke, 65 donums of land, orchards and vineyards were expropriated In Bebad, land, orchards, and vineyards have been taken for over three years. In Bei Natha, orchards and vineyards have been expropriated for over three years. In Sarsing, orchards and land have been taken. In Dehe, Aradin, Dohuke, and Kwane orchards, lands and vineyards have been confiscated. In Chamrabatke, land was taken and houses have been built on Assyrian land for over four years. Although the government ordered the Kurds to leave, the edict was never enforced.
In the Denarta Ackra district, houses have been built by Kurds on Assyrian lands. Despite an order by the government to vacate, the Kurds remain in their illegal homes. In Cheshkawa members of the Zabari clan who are the inlaws of the Barzani clan, have likewise expropriated land and illegally built houses. They are also ignoring governmental orders to leave. The same accounts are prevalent about Chemesinni, Siani, Issan, Argan and Safra Shartapa. In Chemchal, land has been expropriated for over tour years. In HazarJadt, Jule, and Builmet, land has been expropriated for over four years.
In Dowria, the whole village has been overrun and occupied since 1961 by the Barzanis. The title to the village lands remains till today in Assyrian hands, but no action is taken to compensate or return the Assyrians to their homes.
The above list enumerates 52 Assyrian villages that have had lands expropriated by Kurds by force and threat. In al l cases, the government either is directly involved or takes no action to preserve justice. Please let me know if this has been helpful to you.
Many of these land grabs were in fact through the connivance if not actual overt collaboration of the local ruling government. There is a not-so-silent campaign of changing the demographics of the area. This is "ethnic cleansing" in its purest sense. It takes a great deal of convincing of Assyrian refugees to talk about these matters. It becomes more difficult to convince the Assyrian people if there is no support from Human Rights groups regarding these issues.
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