As RAIR has reported extensively, Syria has fallen under the control of a radical jihadi regime following the collapse of the Bashar al-Assad government. The result has been a horrifying wave of ethnic and religious purges targeting Alawite Muslims and Christians, groups now facing systematic extermination.
The leading cleric, dressed in traditional vestments, bore the distinctive black robes with gold trim commonly associated with the Syriac Orthodox Church, a community that has endured centuries of persecution. Both the Syriac Orthodox and Syriac Catholic churches trace their roots to the earliest Christian communities in the Middle East--communities now being wiped out under the new Syrian regime.
The demonstrators in Ottawa carried banners, chanted prayers, and demanded international intervention to halt the bloodshed. Their message was clear: the world cannot turn a blind eye as yet another Christian genocide unfolds in the Middle East.
Despite these urgent cries for help, Western leaders continue their policy of appeasement, doing little to confront the forces responsible for this ethnic cleansing. The same governments that claim to uphold human rights are silent in the face of the massacres, just as they were during the Islamic State's reign of terror.
This protest in Ottawa is a powerful reminder that Syria's Christian and Alawite populations face annihilation, and the so-called defenders of democracy are complicit through their inaction.
RAIR will continue to monitor the situation and expose the brutal realities that global elites seek to bury.
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