The focus of the meeting was to have an exchange with regards of various government-financed projects in which the Federation actively participates, while briefly presenting an assessment of the efforts spent over the last three years.
During the meeting, Aziz Said, Chairman of the Federation, Michael Poll, Federal Office Manager of the Federation, and Jessica Knaup, Project Staff, highlighted the positive developments in the integration efforts of the AFG. Mr. Brinkhaus' last visit to the AFG office was in 2016, when the Assyrian Federation was engaged in an earlier government-funded project to help develop structures for migrant organizations.
Meanwhile and after three years of successful work, the Assyrian Federation extended its involvement to 15 currently funded integration projects nationwide. "The qualifications of the AFG for the integration have been essential for our success, as we have direct contacts to refugees from Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon and Iran accross Germany," said Aziz Said.
"As a cross-denominational organization, we focus on refugees from different states and are happy to be able to make an important contribution to their integration in Germany with little resources that we have," added Michael Poll.
Mr. Brinkhaus was pleased with the growth of the projects and the diverse ideas presented related to the integration work of the Federation. He encouraged the Federation's representatives to "continue their efforts in the field of integration."
The aim of the Federation is now to consolidate the previous structures of integration into the majority society. "The structural consolidation of migration work also requires good ideas and volunteer support," empasized Said and Poll. Through its asscociations,the Federationhas been able to motivate many volunteers.
The Assyrian Federation of Germany and its European section was established in 1979 as an umbrella organization for the various associations in German-speaking areas, including Austria and Switzerland,
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