Turkey's Assyrian Community Welcomes Property Return
By Selahattin Erol
Posted 2018-05-23 21:56 GMT

Related: The Case of the St. Gabriel Assyrian Monastery in Midyat, TurkeyAs a result, the title deeds of the monastery, church, and cemeteries belonging to the Foundation of the Monastery of Mor Gabriel were handed to the Turkish state treasury. "Today, monasteries, churches, and the cemetery lands of the Syriac community were transferred to the foundation. This arrangement, which resolves property disputes, is of great importance," he underscored. He also praised Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and all those who made it possible to reach such a consensus. Last July, Deputy Prime Minister Hakan Cavusoglu pledged to return the mistakenly transferred lands and cemetery.
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