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Kurds, Assyrians and Arabs Liberate Strategic Regions in Syria and Iraq
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A new alliance of Kurds, Assyrians and Arabs reclaimed almost 200 villages from the Islamic State group, among other victories on Friday. Kurdish, Assyrian and Arab fighters took back almost 200 villages since the end of October and seized hundreds of weapons and vehicles from the Islamic State group. The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) released a balance sheet with the tally of wins and losses, pinning the death toll at 493 on the side of the IS group, 33 from the SDF and four civilians. The alliance was created in mid-October between the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) and various rebel militias. Spokesperson Colonel Talal Ali Selo said that they received help from airstrikes by a US-led coalition. In total, the forces reclaimed 1,362 square kilometers and took in 112 IS group prisoners in the southern part of the Hasaka province, in the northeast. Selo told ANF News that the SDF would continue until it liberated the rest of the Hasaka countryide. "The south of Hesek

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