The German parliament is expected to refer to the massacres as genocide on Friday, April 24.
"Due to the historical responsibility, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire was allied in the First World War with the Ottoman Empire, it is our duty to recognize the terrible events as genocide and condemn it," says the joint statement. The statement says "it is also the duty of Turkey to honestly face this dark and painful chapter of its past and acknowledge the crimes committed during the Ottoman Empire against the Armenians as genocide."
"Over the last 10 years, the Assyrian Democratic Organisation (ADO) in Austria lobbied intensely for the recognition of the genocide," said Aslan Ergen, head of ADO Section in Austria. "Many conferences and meetings with parliament members were held in Vienna. Recently there have been fruitful cooperation with Armenians and Pontis-Greeks to push for this recognition."
More than 24 countries have recognized the Armenian genocide. Six countries, including the Vatican, have recognized the Assyrian genocide (AINA 2015-04-21).
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