Here is a full translation of the leaflet:
In the name of Allah the most mercifulYou will surely be tested in your possessions and in yourselves. And you will surely hear from those who were given the Scripture before you and from those who associate others with Allah much abuse. But if you are patient and fear Allah - indeed, that is of the matters [worthy] of determination.
Truthful is the great Allah
To our people of Mosul the Hadbaa'
To the dear people of Mosul the Hadbaa'Iraq and all of you, the people of the great Mosul, have been plagued by a an ignorant and penitential tide and by gangs that gathered from all corners of the world to invade your city. They planted the seeds of destroying your sanctities, widening the schism between you, destroying your heritage, looting your resources, and starving your children with an outside support is now clear to every one.
The time has come, oh true Iraqis, that we all stand together on the land of your immaculate city one hand against this suspicious tide, we cut its roots, and make our land graveyard for those infidels.
God Bless, God is Our Best Ally
Iraqi Ministry of Defence
ISIS captured Mosul on June 10 and immediately began enforcing Sharia law, destroying churches and causing all Assyrian Christian residents to flee the city.
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