Voicing anger over the brutal killings of Christians and other religious groups in Iraq by the takfiri terrorists of the ISIL; hundreds of Iranian Assyrians gathered in front of the UN building in Tehran to demand justice and global attention to the plight of Assyrians in Iraq. They come from all walks of life. Members of this small but historic Christian community in Iran are now witnessing their fellow Assyrians being beheaded, tortured and forced to leave their homes by a terrorist group which claims itself to be the new ruler of a part of Iraq and Syria. Demonstrators held placards and chanted slogans calling for a practical action against the terrorists. White jackets with an Arabic letter resembling the same sign that ISIL terrorists segregate Iraqi Assyrians in their own homeland were put on by many of the protestors. The rally was also an opportunity for the Christian community to condemn the Gaza massacre by Israel. Since the terrorist took over the Iraqi city of Mosul hundreds of Iraqi Assyrians have been brutally murdered and their women and children held as hostages by the takfiris. Their properties have been confiscated and thousands have been forced to flee a land which they have inhabited for more than three thousand years.
Assyrians in Iran Protest Against ISIS in Iraq
Posted 2014-08-11 22:46 GMT
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