All 45 Christian Institutions in Mosul Destroyed or Occupied By ISIS
Posted 2014-07-29 15:05 GMT

The following is the complete list of the Christian institutions in Mosul, grouped by denomination.
Syriac Catholic Church:
- Syrian Catholic Diocese - Maidan Neighborhood, Mosul
- The Old Church of the Immaculate - Maidan Neighborhood, Mosul (The church goes back to the eighth century AD)
- The New Church of the Immaculate - Maidan Neighborhood
- Church of Mar (Saint) Toma - Khazraj Neighborhood
- Museum of Mar (Saint) Toma - Khazraj Neighborhood
- Church of Our Lady of the Annunciation - Muhandiseen Neighborhood
- Church of the Virgin of Fatima - Faisaliah Neighborhood
- Our Lady of Deliverance Chapel - Shifaa Neighborhood
- The House of the Young Sisters of Jesus - Ras Al-Kour Neighborhood
- Archbishop's Palace Chapel - Dawasa Neighborhood
Syriac Orthodox Church:
- Syrian Orthodox Archdiocese - Shurta Neighborhood
- The Antiquarian Church of Saint Ahodeeni - Bab AlJadeed Neighborhood
- Mar (Saint) Toma Church and cemetery, (the old Bishopric) - Khazraj Neighborhood
- Church of The Immaculate (Castle) - Maidan Neighborhood
- Church of The Immaculate - Shifaa Neighborhood
- Mar (Saint) Aprim Church - Shurta Neighborhood
- St. Joseph Church - The New Mosul Neighborhood
Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East:
- Diocese of the Assyrian Church of the East - Noor Neighborhood
- Assyrian Church of the East, Dawasa Neighborhood
- Church of the Virgin Mary (old rite) - Wihda Neighborhood
Chaldean Church of Babylon:
- Chaldean Diocese - Shurta Neighborhood
- Miskinta Church - Mayassa Neighborhood
- The Antiquarian Church of Shimon alSafa - Mayassa Neighborhood
- Church of Mar (Saint) Buthyoon - Shahar AlSouq Neighborhood
- Church of St. Ephrem, Wady AlAin Neighborhood
- Church of St. Paul - Majmooaa AlThaqafiya District
- The Old Church of the Immaculate (with the bombed archdiocese)- Shifaa Neighborhood
- Church of the Holy Spirit - Bakir Neighborhood
- Church of the Virgin Mary - Drakziliya Neighborhood
- Ancient Church of Saint Isaiah and Cemetery - Ras AlKour Neighborhood
- Mother of Aid Church - Dawasa Neighborhood
- The Antiquarian Church of St. George- Khazraj Neighborhood
- St. George Monastery with Cemetery - Arab Neighborhood
- Monastery of AlNasir (Victory) - Arab Neighborhood
- Convent of the Chaldean Nuns - Mayassa Neighborhood
- Monastery of St. Michael - Hawi Church Neighborhood
- The Antiquarian Monastery of St. Elijah - Ghazlany Neighborhood
Armenian Orthodox Church:
- Armenian Church - Maidan Neighborhood
- The New Armenian Church - Wihda Neighborhood
Evangelical Presbyterian Church:
- Evangelical Presbyterian Church - Mayassa Neighborhood
Latin Church:
- Latin Church and Monastery of the Dominican Fathers and Convent of Katrina Siena Nuns - Sa'a Neighborhood
- Convent of the Dominican Sisters, - Mosul AlJadeed Neighborhood
- Convent of the Dominican Sisters (AlKilma Monastery) - Majmooaa AlThaqafiya District
- House of Qasada AlRasouliya (Apostolic Aim) (Institute of St. John the Beloved)
- Christian Cemetery in the Ekab Valley which contains a small chapel.
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