(AINA) -- The Hammurabi Human Rights Organization has issued its latest report, dated June 26, 2014, on the situation in North Iraq.
Reliable sources report that gunmen rounded up many of the security agency members of the police and army and others in Sabrine Mosque and asked them to declare what they call "repentance" and surrender their weapons and other military equipment. After doing so, all of the prisoners were tried and sentenced according to Sharia law and executed.
A resident of Mosul who fled with his family to the Nineveh plain reported that ISIS members told him by telephone that his home in Mosul had been confiscated for one of the "princes" of the Militia. He also added that there are many more similar cases.
ISIS has prevented delivery of government food rations to Tel Kepe and other areas not under their control.
Cars with large loudspeakers roamed the streets of Mosul telling people that the judgements that will apply in the city are according to Sharia laws and no other laws will apply.
There has been a significantly pronounced decrease in the movement of women and children within the city. Gunmen have prevented all employees in the city from attending their jobs.
There has been a significant rise in food prices. Fruit and vegetables have become very scarce. ISIS has ordered that no ice blocks are to be sold.
Residents continue to leave the city and are having great difficulty reaching safe areas.
Conditions in the Nineveh Plain
Electric and water service is still severly limited. All districts and municipalities in the Nineveh Plain only obtain about one hour of electricity per day, and these areas suffer from lack of water because of ISIS control of AlRashidiya and AlSlamiya water projects that provide the Northern and Southern Nineveh Plain with potable water.
The villages of AlKibba and Shraikhan within the Tel Kepe district came under attack on the night of June 25 by insurgents who targeted the residents of the village, forcing people to escape on foot. A number of the residents were killed and many men, young and old, were arrested, their fate is still unknown.
Residents who fled from Baghdede have not been allowed to enter the Dohuk Province on June 25, forcing these families to stay in the open or to go to other towns in the Nineveh Plain.
See all HHRO reports.
Translated from Arabic by AINA.
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