ISIS Issues New Rules for Mosul
Posted 2014-06-14 01:21 GMT

ISIS now controls three cities in Iraq, Mosul, Tikrit and Fallujah, and is marching to Baghdad. It also controls areas of the plains West of Mosul that extend to Syria.
The following is a summary translation of most of the rules. It was made by by Jenan Moussa, a reporter working for the Arabic Al Aan TV in Dubai.
- For those asking who are you? We are soldiers of Islam and took on our responsibility to bring back glory of the Islamic Caliphate.
- Money we took from Safavid government is now public. Only Imam of Muslims can spend it.
- Anyone who steals will have their hand cut off.
- We ask all Muslims to perform prayers on time in the mosques.
- We warn tribal leaders and Sheikhs not to work with the government and be traitors. No drugs, no alcohol and no cigarettes allowed.
- For the police, soldiers and other kafir institutions, you can repent. We opened special places that will allow you to repent.
- Gatherings, carrying flags (other than that of Islamic state) and carrying guns is not allowed. God ordered us to stay united.
- Our position on Shrines and graves is clear. All to be destroyed basically.
- For women: dress decently and wear wide clothes. Only go out if needed.
- People tried secular rulings (republic, Baathist, Safavides) and it pained you. Now is time for an Islamic state.
The document was signed by Imam Abu Bakr El Qurashi.
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