Chairman of Mor Gabriel Monastery Foundation, most vital Assyrian (Syriac Orthodox) monastery in Turkey, Kuryakus Ergun said on Tuesday that they appreciated Monday's democratization package announced by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with all eyes on Turkish capital of Ankara, as it stipulated the return of their land in Midyat district of Turkey's southeastern Mardin province to the Monastry.
Speaking to Anadolu Agency in an exclusive, Ergun noted that the Turkish Premeir himself stated that their demands were well-heard and the problem related with the land would be resolved.
"The decision to return the land to the Monastry pleased all the Assyrian community," said Chairman.

Closely following the announcement of the package, Ergun said the news of returning the monastry land aroused excitement within the Assyrian community.
He reminded the numerous ongoing cases since 2008 related with the land, including those as subjects of international law, underscoring that both the Mor Gabriel Foundation and several NGOs at different platforms repeatedly voiced the need for a solution for the issue with regards to human rights.
"Since the onset of the process, we always stated that we are a family and must solve the issue within our family," said Ergun, expressing gratitude for Turkish Premier Erdogan and all those contributing to the preparation process of the package.
On Monday, Turkish PM Erdogan said an area of 276 hectares that belonged to the Mor Gabriel Monastery, also known as Deyrulumur, located in Midyat district of Mardin province, in southeastern Turkey would be returned to the Mor Gabriel Monastery Foundation,
"We will return an important right of our Assyrian community in this way, protecting their property rights," he added.
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