One Person Injured in Iraq Church Bombings
Posted 2008-01-06 21:20 GMT

(AINA) -- According to the Baghdadhope blog, seven churches have been bombed in Baghdad. They are:
In Mosul:
- Chaldean Church of Saint paul
- Nunnery of Dominican Sisters
- Orphanage of the Chaldean Sisters
In Baghdad:
- Rum Orthodox Church (where the guard was injured)
- Mar Ghorghis chaldean church in Ghadir area
- Saint Paul Chaldean church in Zafaraniya area where, according to Mgr. Warduni, the carbomb was discovered before its explosion and defused.
- Chladean sisters nunnery in Zafaraniya
"We thank God," Mgr. Shleimun Warduni, Chaldean bishop of Baghdad, "there has been only one person injured, and it seems not severely."
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