Armenian and Assyrian organizations in the UK met in the House of Commons on 24 October 2007, following the visit by the Turkish Prime Minister and the sensational change of heart by MP Kieth Vaz. It was he, as Minister for Europe in 2000, who formulated the pro-Turkish policy of Armenian Genocide denial which his successors in the Labor administration have slavishly followed, independent French journalist Jean Eckian told PanARMENIAN.Net.
Two days ago, after several repeated requests, he signed the Early Day Motion recognizing the Armenian Genocide, making it the second most successful EDM on an international issue in Parliament. Now 185 have signed, four times last year's total. The total number of MPs who have recognized the Genocide now stands at over 200, including those who did so in previous years.
This surely emboldened the Prime Minister as it occurred the day before as he met Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Last week Jim Murphy, the new Minister for Europe, promised to look afresh at the whole issue.
The meeting noted that Erdogan's visit was kept a secret to the last minute. Numerous inquiries sent to the House of Commons, the Foreign Office and Turkish Embassy in order to find out any information about the visit had proved unsuccessful because they had all claimed no knowledge of the visit.
This proves the reality of his presence in this country as the Prime Minister of a multi genocidal and undemocratic state. It's surprising that Turkey is confident of a free reign in Iraqi Kurdistan considering that they have got away with the Genocide of the Armenians and Assyrians and its subsequent denial with the full compliance of the UK government.
Further Armenian-Assyrian-Kurdish cooperation was envisaged, as well as a new EDM on the Armenian and Assyrian Genocide. Full Assyrian participation in the unveiling ceremony of the Monument to Armenian Genocide victims in Cardiff, on Saturday, 3 November, was assured.
A Press Statement sent by the Kurdish Advisory Panel of Parliamentarians for National Self-Determination (PNSD), which emphasized a negotiated settlement of the Kurdish issue as the "only lasting solution", was read at the meeting.
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