Fairfield, Australia -- St. Hurmizd Assyrian Primary School student Anthony Makko was ranked 16th in Australia in the Mathletics competition.
Mathletics is a mathematics computer program for students in kindergarten to year 12.
Principal John Haskal, a teacher of more than 30 years, said the Mathletics program was one of the best for teaching mathematics fundamentals.
"The wonderful thing about Mathletics is that it teaches the students to competitively take part and learn while they have fun," Mr Haskal said.
"As a school community we at St Hurmizd Assyrian Primary School are very proud of Anthony.
"He represents only the tip of the iceberg. We have so many students excelling and competing outstandingly not only in mathematics but in other disciplines also.
"The mathletics program has become very popular with our students.
"Many spend time at home on their computers working at a level of their choice and at the same time they are competing with other students all over Australia."
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