1- A hand written two page letter from Talabani in Kurdish . dated Sep 28. 1995 to Jebbar Ferman PUK politburo member and Deputy Commander in Chief of PUK forces . The letter includes the outcome of Talabni’s visit to Tehran and the agreement reached between PUK, Supreme Council of Islamic Revolution in Iraq and the Iranian Islamic Republic on Iraq, whose future to be decided by the three partners only.

2- A typed three page letter in Arabic from Talabani to the Head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps Serdar Mohammed Ja’aferi, though undated but from the sequence of events believed to be around Aug 21, 1996. Talabani urges the IRGC to move more quickly to stop America and Saddam scheme in the region and present a list of military and logistical aid to undermine US sponsored peace talks.

3- A typed three page letter from Talabani to Dr Ali Vellayati, Iran’s Foreign Minister to be handed to the minister by a visiting senior PUK political and military delegation to Tehran. Though undated but believed to be first week of August 1996 . Talabani warns of a tripartite conspiracy of Turkey- Saddam - Barzani against them and Iran . The letter present a list of military, economic aid and seek some form of economic and telecommunication integration of PUK controlled area with Iran.

4- A one page hand written letter in Kurdish by Talabani dated Aug 11, 1996 to two of his senior lieutenants Kosrat Rassoul and Jebbar Ferman, both PUK politburo members. The letter confirms that the Iranians have moved to help and facilitate PUK military attack on KDP including the transport of PUK forces through Iranian territory to attack Haji Omran and Siedakan fronts.

5- A two page hand written letter on official PUK letter head in Kurdish by Talabani dated Aug 14, 1996 to his two military-political lieutenants Kosrat and Jebbar giving details of PUK military planning with Iran to attack KDP and violate the year long cease-fire arranged by US in Drogheda- Ireland.

6- A two page hand written letter in Kurdish by Talabani to his two lieutenants on military preparation for the attack on KDP.

7- A three page report in Kurdish entitled ( co-operation between Zanyari - PUK intelligence service- and Ittela’at Ministry - Iranian Ministry of Intelligence Service MOIS-) . The document present a six month review of the services PUK has offered Iranian intelligence during June 1995- Dec 1995.

28 Sep 1995

Patriotic Union of Kurdistan

Secretary General


Comrade and beloved brother, esteemed Kak Jabar

( PUK deputy Commander- in - Chief and politburo member)

Warm greetings

Your happiness and triumph is my wish and we arc all well.

My Tehran visit, I think, has produced some significant gains:

Firstly: Co-operation from the top between us and the Supreme Council ( SCIRI) led by His Grace Seyed Mohammed Baqir Al Hakim. Which is necessary for the future of Iraq and for the present.

I am sending you the texts of the two agreements . One is secret and the other is public. The secret one must be highly, highly, highly confidential and no one should know about it . This is imperative. In any case we will abide by and implement it BUT A- covertly B- under cover . From the outset we will try the INC Iraqi National Congress cover or through a broad opposition alliance. At the Leadership Committee of PUK we have identified you and kak Qadir ( PUK security chief in Erbil ) to oversee and implement the tasks.

Secondly: We have satisfied ( appeased ) Iran by this agreement and that is need so they could help us to successfully implement the work. That is by satisfying Islamic Republic they will cboperate with PUK and SCIRI for b.=ging down ( Baghdad) regime + restructuring future Iraq according to our agreement with SCIRI which include self-determination for Kurds within the framework of Iraq . The Islamic Republic regard us and SCIRI as the locomotive for liberating Iraq .

That is we, the three of us ( we, SCIRI and Iran) will carry out the main work.

Thirdly: A complete and total pact between us and Iran, as you see in the details of

the project

Fourthly: As agreed previous agreements will be implemented.

Fifthly: The Islamic Republic was not persistent to drive out KDPI quickly, instead they asked me to serenely and quietly talk to Mulla Abdullah ( KDPI Secretary General) so they could be reconciled with Iran. It seems that the basis and conditions for KDPI existence are still not clear, but this is in itself is an important matter . They talk about possibility of political activity plus the Imam ( Khomeni) solution and the like.

Generally I am very pleased about my Iran’s visit. It remains to be followed through I think the key lies in the agreement between us and the Supreme Council (SCIRI) hereupon the Leader ( Khamen’I) + President ( Rafsenjani) + Revolutionary Guards Corps + all other departments consider the agreement significant and good. Thus your effort together with Kak Qadir is needed to co-ordinatc well with SCIRI, this is very, very important. All other issues follow from there.

What is important for me is that the future of Iraq and the principal aims of Islamic Republic there are going to be decided by us ( we and SCIRI) and nobody else! That is the tripartite . Our position was strong.

Please for the time being this letter is just for your own knowledge

Live for your sincere brother


Mam Jalal

Note: As for the Hussieya ( Shia mosque ) in Sulaimanya demand a good plot of land on my behalf. And I will dispatch engineers from here to start working and planning .

Dear brother, esteemed Serdar Mohammed Ja’aferi

( Head of Iran Revolutionary Guards Corps intelligence service )

Peace be upon you

Warm greetings, wishing you consistent health and prosperity. As it is customary between us, I find it imperative to acquaint you frakly and through you the brothers in Revolutionary Guards Corps in particular, and the Islamic Republic of Iran in general, with the following facts:

First: The revolutionary and independent stance of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, and its alliance with the Supreme Council of Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) , and with the Islamic Republic of Iran, has clearly tilted in a biased way the American position towards Massoud Barzani . This has lead America to turn a blind eye to Iraqi interventions, and they now talk about alleged Iranian intervention. Mr. Bob Deutsch declared in a speech given at KDP celebration that KDP is with Iraq and PUK is with Islamic Tehran. Also a spokesman for the White House has stated that the PUK is allied with Iran and Iranian artillery back PUK. This is the biased American position towards PUK because of its revolutionary stance and its alliance with SCIRI and its friendship with Islamic Republic.

Second: Massoud Barzani has exposed his true hostile face towards Islamic Republic and his co-operation with murderer Saddam Hussein and America and jointly against Islamic Republic. Massoud’s Barzani media campaign against Iran started even before the current round of fighting and during (IRGC ) incursion into Iraqi Kurdistan. I enclose a copy of Gullan (KDP publication) to understand the extend of Barzanis’ campaign against you that went as far as falsifying the pictures of Iran-Iraq war.

Barzani’s campaign against Islamic Republic abroad intensified to such an extent that Massoud’s group co-operated in London and Washington with "hypocrats" - Iran’s People Mujahiedien Organization - and KDPI members in anti- Iran demonstrations in front of White House and Iranian Embassy in London. There is also an ongoing anti- Islamic Republic campaign in Barzani broadcasts and press. And this how they repay your kindness, you who have saved them from three military and political death. This is their morality.

These facts confirm the following issues:

1- Massoud has declared his enmity towards Islamic Republic.

2- Massoud relies on Iraq and USA for his enmity against Islamic Republic.

3- Massoud is ungrateful to you.

4- Massoud has not honored his personal commitment to you and has lied to you. These facts prove that there is no hope in the illusion that he could be kept on right board and he must be taught a lesson to bring him back to his senses.

Position KDPI:

KDPI leadership is showing stubbornness towards PUK due to encouragement by America Iraq and Barzani, yet we are pressing them to accept:

1- To stop military operations first and at the present time.

2- To declare that in a subsequent move and appropriate moment. 3- To hold a new congress to change their charter of armed struggle and we have succeeded to certain extent in this regard.

I am sure you are aware of Kurdish, regional international commotion against PUK because of its co-operation with Islamic Republic. The anti PUK campaign was widespread and included all Kurdish and Iraqi, Turkish and Syrian parties. Even Western press and Socialist International parties as well as many states. We faced up to this ferocious campaign alone. Now we need revolutionary patience to solve KDPI problem wisely. Please consider two important issues:

Firstly: We ( you and us) must not completely push KDPI to Barzani, America, Iraq side. We should deprive them of all options and expel them from our region. Secondly: As a Kurdish political party that has prestige and pan-Kurdish status, and as friends not to embarrass us too much since - a friend in need is a friend indeed. We therefore think it is in our interest to persuade KDPI to stop armed struggle and then gradually work to change their political armed charter and then to persuade them of reconciliation and negotiation with Islamic Republic. All that need time and revolutionary patience and far- sightedness and assistance for PUK, and not to embarrass or pressurize us daily . It is better if KDPI changed its position and stayed in our region than driving them out now.

Dear brother and friend

America has returned to the stage once again with a new proposal:

1- A call for cease-fire

2- Inviting Talabani and Barzani to meeting in London with Ambassador Pelletreau to resolve problems.

3- An open call by America against Iran with the pretext of preventing her from intervening and ending Iranian influence in Iraqi Kurdistan. We are now alone in the battle and it is a big battle we can not alone face up to America, Saddam and Massoud .

In all frankness, fraternally and truthfully, I tell you if the present Iranian position does not change, it will lead to the success of American Saddamite scheme.

Therefore, I appeal to you to speedily and urgently provide:

1- Military assistance including weapons, munition and necessary logistics.

2- Necessary financial and economic assistance.

3- Open the border and energize administration.

4- Supply peshmerga with weapons, munition, cloth and shoes.

5- Confirm you support for PUK

6- Change immediately your mistaken position over Haji Omran. Dear friend, I have laid down these facts in the spirit of brotherhood, frankness and truth. Long ago the Arabs said: He who has warned is not excused .

Your faithful brother

( Signed)

Mam Jalal

( Undated but believed to be around 21 Aug 1996 from sequence of events)

preparing to launch an offensive soon and his forces make daily armed attacks and send armed reconnaissance teams and strike force to our positions.

Fifth: The PUK has planned with Supreme Council of Islamic Republic in Iraq SCIRI for a serious work to liberate Iraq from dictatorship relying on our Iraqi forces and on your support for our just cause.

Our joint co-operation consolidate the true Iraqi unity, the unity of Arabs, Kurds ,the unity of Shia and Suni, the unity of north, center and south.

We together have an elaborate contacts with many groups of free officers and with Suni Arab tribes and its our hope that this summer we will undertake 8 significant and decisive act of liberation.

Sixth: Yet the tripartite conspiracy of Saddam- Barzani- Turkey is aimed at preoccupying us with a civil war to prevent turning Iraqi Kurdistan into a bacon for Iraqi opposition in general and for PUK and SCIRI in particular. This is another prime objective for these efforts to destroy the PUK.

Seventh: The upkeep of PUK strong and capable is a necessary prerequisite to liberate Iraq from dictatorship and for the final victory of our Iraqi people with its Arab, Kurds, Shia, Suni and all citizens.

The PUK now is a strong ally with SCIRI and Islamic Republic and thus has become the target of the tripartite conspiracy of Saddamite-Barzanite-Turkish and all those others who are behind them we felt it is our right to write to you appealing to your Grace to fulfil our following legitimate demands:

1- Provide political and morale support and introduce us to your friends and assist us to administer the affairs of our region and the affairs of our people in liberated Kurdistan.

2- Provide economic, cultural and humanitarian assistance including a loan to improve our situation and economic project and give access to sell our oil which we extract and to import and export commercial goods through Islamic Republic. Also to assist us to operate our factories, hydroelectric and electrical stations and improve Telephone communication systems and link it with Islamic Republic. 3- Provide military assistance including arming, training and supplies as an offer or as a barter loan( Qeriz al hassana) that can be paid back gradually with oil cement, tobacco, and hides ...etc.

This will enable us to stand on our feet and protect our people . The success of enemies plan will create an exodus of hundred of thousands of people into Islamic Republic and the displacement of our people from their land.

His Excellency esteemed Foreign Minister of Islamic Republic Dr Ali Vellayeti...

We look forwards to your understanding of our just cause and our circumstances, we have therefore sent a delegation composed of our brothers in the Politburo and military command hoping you would listen to them and discuss seriously with them all mutual issues that affect both of us and hope we will enlist your support to solve the problems of a fraternal and neighboring people who are your kinsfolk, and kinsfolk are more deserving of charity, God shall not forfeit the reward of the beneficent .

Peace upon you, Gods compassion and blessing

Please accept our highest consideration,

Your faithful brother

( signed)

Mam Jalal ( Jalal Talabani)

( Letter written in Arabic, undated but from events mentioned believed to be sent first week of Aug 1996)

Qalla Chowllan ( Jalal Talabani s HQ near Sulaimanya)

Evening of 11 Aug 1996

Beloved and esteemed Comrades Kak Kosret and Kak Jebbar (Kosrat is ex- prime minister and PUK politburo member and Jabbar is Jabbar Ferman Dedupty C-in-C of PUK forces and Politburo member)

Warm greetings

Your joy, happiness and triumph is my wish

First: It looks like the RELATIVES (Iranians) have moved and have taken the decision. Last night Kak Freydon ( PUK politburo visiting Iran) and Mulla Yassien ( PUK liaison officer with Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps) both from their ends confirmed that their pledge is going to be implemented as follows:

1- Alert the Bradost group ( a PUK affiliated group ) and Kak Mohsin Bayeiz ( PUK commander ) to get ready . Previously we agreed that:

1- Qadir Beg ( PUK militia leader from Bradost) should prepare 200-250 men.

2- Kak Mohsien should prepare all the Peshdar Army ( PUK force based in Qala Diza - Rania) and be ready to move, and Mako ( PUK commander) should offer Four Battalions to go with Qadir Beg, and the rest should move towards Haji Omran front.

3- Those ( PUK forces) who are with Shera Boren ( PUK Rawandouz sector Commander) or in Erbil or in Balakyati ( Chowman Qasri sector) should be assembled and move with Qadir Beg.

lt has been agreed that they ( Iranians) will talk to Kak Mohsien Bayeiz either the RELATIVES ( Iranians IRGC) will send someone to see him or he ( Moksien ) will contact them to co-ordinate the move . Therefore please undertake this task yourselves to move speedily and co-ordinate the timing to coincide with the UPRISING ( attack on KDP on Aug 17, 1996 in Qasri Second: Tomorrow we will receive some aid ( Iranian military logistical aid).

Thirdly: SerdarJa’aferi (Head of IRGC intelligence service) has stated that within this week all matters will be implemented.

I hope and as I expect from you that you will effectively supervise the mission well and get the desired results.

Live for your

Your sincere brother

( signed)

Mam Jalal

1 1-12 Aug 1996

(This Document is Talabani s hand writing and confirms the sending of PUK forces through Iranian territory to attack KDP from rear in Sidakan far north . the attack took place on Aug 21. 1996 and PUK and Iranians teams were defeated by KDP )

Patriotic Union of Kurdistan

Secretary General

Beloved and esteemed comrades Kak Kosret and Kak Jebbar (Kosrat is ex-prime minister and PUK politburo member and Jebbar is Jebbar Ferman Deputy C-in-C of PUK and politburo member)

Warm greetings

Your happiness and triumph is my wish and we are well.

Kak Sherdeil is coming to see you. My views are as follows: (sherdeil Hawezey is member of PUK military command in charge of operations against KDP with Iranian Revolutionary Guards and liaison with Iranians)

1) - The appointment of Shiekh Sederaldien (PUK old veteran commander) to supervise the work is acceptable to me . He has to prepare his forces soon. Therefore I advise the arrangements remain as before. That is a great part of Peshdar Force has to be assigned for Haji Omran mission. (PUK force to attack KDP in Haji Omran from inside Iranian territory)

The Bradostis ( PUK militia) together with our comrades with Shero Pour ( PUK commander in Rawandouz) and Balakayti ( Qasn - Chowman) should be sent there too but you have to inform Qadir Beg ( Bradosti Chief) .

2)- I am sending you Kak Mustapha s lettr ( PUK commander) . I did not understand what does he mean by Nieaz? Does he means by Nieaze his intention or he is talking about Qasri’s Nieaz? Please clarify this issue to me . ( There was an ex PUK commander (Nieaz) who joined KDP in Qasri who wanted to change alliance again and rejoin PUK, but in Kurdish Nieaze means intention too, so Talabni is concussed)

I believe when we start the operaion we must contol the positions by force and if they ( Nieaz) wanted to join us that is even better.

3)- I don’t advise haste. We have to ensure success. Therefore the change of Zero hour is not sacred. So if you can keep the dateline with the success it would be very good, otherwise it has to be a time when we will succeed in the operation. 4)-I feel the RELATIVES ( Iranians) are genuine and they have undertaken the job seriously. Therefore I wish you would exploit this opportunity.

To sum up: Kak Sherdiel is coming to see you and I have sent you my views, take them as ( opinions) or ( proposals) send me then your views or if it is necessary let Jebbar come here and then we will take the final decision.

Be always happy and victorious

Your sincere brother

( signed)

Mam Jalal

Qalla Chowllan ( Talabani HQ near Sulaimwa)

8. 1996

14 \ 8\ 1996 second letter

Beloved and esteemed comrades Kak Kosret and Ka Jebbar

Warm greetings

After the designation of Sheikh Sederaldin ( PUK old commander) I wanted to tell you that I disapprove of his appointment. The truth is I have been two minded from the start . Now I am more two minded. I advise that as we planned before that Kak Mehdi ( PUK commander) has to be in the front with 500 armed men, the rest of their force should wait in Balakayeti (region) with Mohamed Watman (PUK senior commander) .

I want to be frank with you: You should be good men and do not focus only on the old generation of fighters there is a new generation of young who could carry out the task.

I think it is better to keep Sheikh Sederaldin and his forces as a reserve force.

Now the RELATIVES ( Iranians) will take the first lot of 500 peshmergas. ( Will transport them through Iranian territory) . Let the force designated for Haji Omran ( Mehdi and them)- (( Them means Iranian Revolutionary Guards)) start first then the Bradost force then Sheikh Sederaldin and others when they are needed.

I think it is better to plan with more precise calculation and move with intention that we and with our own forces will carry out the task and all those who would participate and would join us we should welcome them and present it as we are defending them.

Live always for

Your sincere brother

Mam Jalal





On June 1, l995 a team from Zanyari service visited Tehran . The team stayed 15 days and held several meetings on organizing co-operation between Zanyari and MOIS and an agreement was reached . Today six months have passed . From our side we have fulfilled for the interest of MOIS and Islamic Republic the following operations and work:

PUK co-operation on Iranian border security:

A- Early Sep a group of 7 armed men from KDPI ( Iranian KDP) were detained at Shanaderi check -point, after confiscating their arms and equipment they spent 45 days in prison. Their group leader was Assad Moqadisi.

B- On 6 Oct 1996 a four member armed IDPI group were arrested near Penjwien. and their arms, equipments and belonging was confiscated and spent 35 days m detention . Their group leader was Marouf Ramazani.

C- On 20 Oct 1995 a six member armed KDPI group was arrested at Shanaderi check point . They spent 50 days in prison and their group leader was Kemaaldien Mohamadi.

D- on 2 Nov 1995 a three member armed KDPI group was arrested at Arbel, their arms and belonging confiscated and spent 10 days in prison.

E- on 3 Dec 1995 an eight member armed KDPI group was arrested near Penjwien and their arms and belonging were confiscated and they spent sometimes in prison.

F- on 26 Dec a four member armed KDPI group were arrested in Penjwien and all

their arms and equipments were confiscated . Their group leader was Mohialdien

Khan Ahmad . It is worth mentioning that this group was tasked to organize activities

with the start of spring inside Iran

Co-operation on other issues:

A- On 7 Oct 1995 a bomb went off in front of Khabat Organization ( an Iranian front Kurdish organization with links to MOIS) in Sulaimanya, the bomber ( Azad Ibrahim Naderi) was arrested by Sulaimanya Security Dept and he was handed over to brother Hashemi ( MOIS senior officer).

B- In Oct 1995 two persons ( Serwan and Adnan) ( MOIS agents) who had participated in military activity against Iranian ( Kurdish) parties were released and handed over to Aghai Hashemi .

*- Karim Jawadyan is an Iranian writer who escaped from Iran and was planning to leave for abroad was arrested and handed over to brothers ( Abadi and Rahiemi) from Revolutionary Guards Corps .

*- Mohamed Ali Hussein known as Khaliqi is a resident in Sulaimanya and was arrested on charges of forging Iranian IDs and documents by the Sulaimanya Security Dept and was handed over to Aghai Kamili ( MOIS) .

For that purpose we managed during Sep and Oct to provide MOIS with photos, maps of Mojahidien offices in Baghdad and other places as a means to implement the program.